Hey cyber famz
Fresh from our journeys cross the ditch.......and a few to many late nights gigging and celebrating. If you didn't already hear we took out the award for best kiwi act at the mtv awards in sydney in the weekend. It looked rigged as hell because non of the other finalist in our category turned up but i swear we had no idea, we just lived by our new motto of making the most of each chance to celebrate hence why we paid our way over and had a great time. Shout out to the local ozzy acts bliss n esso, jessica mouboy (sorry probably wrong spelling) and last but not less vanilla ice. For real Vanilla Ice was in the building and i have to be honest DJ Notiq spotted him straight away. We thought he was gassing us but true to his word the man "glowed".
Serenaded by a whole heap of rock "so in right now" bands i know of but really don't follow like "killers", "kings of leon" & "Wolfmother" it was cool to bump in to a few familiar faces shout out to rhys darby from flight of the concords as well as the brown faces who came up and made us feel welcome. Stoked to win the moon man despite talk of it being token if you know this industry you learn to appreciate every little bit of momentum you can get. On that note shout outs to the MTC with the smashproof album debuting 3 in the chart. To put that in to perspective thats the first hip hop album since scribes hugely anticipated "rhymebook" which dropped like almost 2 years ago now. To further the point the globe trotting brothers "Evermore" debuted 2 places down from them, in a heavily rock favoured industry as it looks at the moment that is huge. Congrats to the MTC fam again.....if you fellas keep this up this is starting to turn in to an MTC blog lol but thats for the good with aotearoa hip hop coming through. As long as the tunes coming out are reflective of our people then power to it......preach....preach...lol
We're preping the last single of "Elevator musiq" at the mo.....i know i said that like 2 months ago but its true, we shoot the vid in 2 and half weeks and should be an interesting shoot. Props also should go out to my bros at illegal musik who have another hit on their hands with "ghetto flower" J williams hitting the top 30 chart......
Back to OZ we had a dope time in brizzy looked after well by the broz and the crowd were mad receptive. Shout out to the crew at Trans RNB bar for hosting the after party.
We're got practice now so i'm a dash but keep your eyes locked for the new Vince harder clip just shot last weekend and also keep your ear out for the new nesian mixtape with all unreleased material.....if your interested and coping it email us contacts on www.nesian-mystik.com
S out