Ok let’s skip across my belated updates with a swift “sorry about that” & bask in the many eventful things which have been going down in Nesiandom (you know like Maoridom, yes you read right).
On the label front, we’ve inked a new deal under our record label Arch Dynasty which has signed a distribution deal for NZ with Warner music. From this very exciting venture will flower both Nesian crew cuts as well as some exciting solo projects which are already bubbling away in the pipeline. Along with the announcement comes the realisation of the first Nesian record on our label Arch Dynasty. Hot off the press of the signing comes the first glimpse of the first single "Sacrifices" video photo's and art work, done by Lionel from the "Bay" his little girl was in our Mr mista clip.

Earlier in the year we hinted to what was to come collaborating with Japanese Hip hop star wise from the chart topping Japanese group Teriyaki boyz, who amongst others have worked with Kanye West, Pharrel, Busta Rhymes, JD, Timberland & currently have in the pipelines a track with Jay-Z....so needless to say Aotearoa hip hop is elevating things internationally. Wise was awesome, flew down here to NZ and was blown away by how passionate and active our local scene was. We hosted him around town and even made it out to the release of Tyson Tyler’s album launch (which is a tight album) via Breaknwreckwords posse. We fly over to Japan thanks to export NZ beginning of Nov so look for updates round then bout Wise and his crew.

These photos were taken from the shoot for the first single called “Sacrifice” featuring wise. First time we’ve recorded a track and shot the video in the same week....definite experience. Shout out to Bunker media and our director Luke Sharp who as always handled all the antics us Nesian’s throw at him, plus made a record for earliest shoot wrap in any Nesian video ever.....which incidentally now seats at 14. Thanks to NZ on Air that came through with supporting the video and also our stylist Tarsh who came through big time.

Sadly as everyone has spoken about for last month or so the Tsunami which struck Samoa affected many but thankfully the spirit of the nation and the support from NZ has been awesome to see. My Village lost 11 people so this hit home to be big time and alot of our communities. Part of assisting back in Sa is the financial aid & alongside the biggest names in NZ music we performed at Vector arena to over 10,000 Kiwi’s and collaboratively raised around a quarter of a million. To be a part of that was really satisfying and encouraging not to mention an historic occasion for a real cross field of nz music from past to present. Thanks must go out to Scribe, Teresa Patterson, Dawn Raid, Pacific music awards committee and so many others that made the event happen.

On another note the NZ music awards 09 just went down, a massive night had by all. It was good to catch up with heaps of old friends and funny to see people you don’t have a clue of how their connected to the music industry. If i was honest i didn’t think the overall performances were of a great quality but i was proud to see Smash Proof and savage picking up a number of the major awards.
Well consider yourself updated......we’re in oz next week for performances in Brizzy, Gold coast & Sydney but start the whole trip max’n & Relax’n in Melbourne. Also mid Nov we hit New York City, on all accounts it’s the Mecca of Hip hop and has been a place I’ve wanted to go since I started rhyming when I was a kid. Photos galore will be hitting this page & we have not forgotten about the last few free tracks we promised on our 10 track down load which celebrated our tenth top 10 single “RSVP”. If you are reading this from around the world our last album “Elevator Musiq” has now become available globally on iTunes so hook it up.
Peace S out