Friday, January 30, 2009
3rd times a charm

Saturday, January 17, 2009
andre "3 stakes" 3000 fashion line in jepody of huge loses

Anyone who knows me is well aware andre 3000 is my all time favourite bestest MC. So goes without saying I like his style speaking of which Andre has his fingers in many pies including a cartoon series, acting, art but the most recent has been his fashion label "Benjamin Bixby Line".
Shortly after Andre's label was nominated for the GQ magazines best new menswear designer he was hit by news of a huge loss in sales. So much so that his line has been halved in price and looks now in a rather dangerous position of being another victim of the dreaded "recession". Bitter sweet, he's recognised as having an amazing fashion label and no bodies buying it. Come on people i know the cost of his gears more than 2 weeks rent but dam yet another rapper entreprenur hits a speed bump.
If you had a fashion label what would you call it?
On that note if you go to http://www.nesian-mystik.com/ you can check out our exclusive tee's lol i know it's late for xmas but there's always b'days and waitangi days a good gift giving day so I heard from a pakeha friend :)
The raptor hits a quarter century

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Big day out Freshboyz style

Round 2.....fight
Back so soon you say.....well wanted to keep you in the loop with where you can catch us at big day out. This year we're doing alot of promotional comps and interviews but to catch up with us for the general public your best bet is the signing tent....we'll be there from 2-2.30pm.
The real deal u need to check is our live band. Alot of people try hype the whole live band thing when they transition from the dj but most i can safely say are no roots. Ok were not the roots either since we've only been praticing 6 weeks but i tell ya we have some of the best muso's involved. I know i've heard people claim good muso's and still sound their uncles rsa band but these guys are awesome at what they do and are really an extension of the nesian family both musically and even more so in their humour which is probably the numba 1 requirement in our crew.
Enough about how "super nice" our band is the proof is in the koko i mean pudding. You can check us out on the green stage from 4-445pm. Actually your in for a bit of treat as Ladi 6 is on just before us.
Other than Lupe i'm not sure who else i want to see. Horsemen are on late which should be good. P Moneys flying the hip hop flag in the boiler room which raises the point, has hip hop done that well that we're all infilitrating different stages other than the local stage they always had us on or are we that slack that we don't have our own stage and we're just shared out because there's not enough of us doing things (your guess is as good as mine).
I had the honour of checking out lupe last time and dudes live performance is dope, in fact i remember me and Mareko having a bit of disagreement about who was the biggest breakthrough artist out of lupe and lil wayne......well i guess i was wrong based on what waynes acheived but don't tell rex that because i'll just denie it lol. My only gripe bout Lupe's set was that it was created to appeal to non hip hop fans which it accomplished but those of his core fans there was no mains only entrees with all his best songs ( in my humble opinion) being overlooked for his crossover stuff.
Well til next time.....for all those wondering where notiq's best of 2008 is at it will be hitting your screens shortly.....no pressure....which leads me to my thought of the day, i'm still trying to figure if it's cool in a blog to text spell words or just straight keep it the grammar official like awa's motueka jacket (inside joke sory).Who you looking forward to checking out at this years big day out?
It's official cuz