It's kind of bitter sweet and this is what i love about blog world cyber space from your screen to mine...... i can be real. Our track going gold hitting top 3 was dope, we were number one most played on urban radio for 5 weeks straight i think that's even challenging nesian 101 but i guess the hard part is despite all that great news we were unable to get the support of the mainstream stations....basically the ones which target audience are almost the opposite demographic to our group :). All i'm say is mainstream radio held back the gates on this one and i can only imagine what we could have achieved if we'd got the support. Lol don't think we're not going to have another charge at the gate though.
I also need to send a massive shout out to the features on the track....che..pele...kimbra, this is the first time we've ever released a single thats featured people.....ok bar if it's cool.
We had mad fun playing massey university albany to a packed audience along side 2 top blokes sirvere and P money. Fun times were had by all around and it was actuallys moneys b'day to tip of the hat to the veteran lol, thats hustle working on your b'day.
My other awesome news is we have been nominated for the Australian MTV awards. You can vote on the mtv website cheers. Lastly but definitley not less massive props out to the MTC fam for hitting that ever elusive number one spot. Savage's new album dropped this week congrats to my bro he hit 8 this week brother deserves all the praise for his hard work and props to Dawnraid fam. Is it me or is time for a aotearoa hip hop renassiance on the charts :P