Howzit peeps
I found out a little bit of info which brough a smile to dial today which highlighted an interesting question, when as an artist do you know you've made it? We get smiliar questions thrown at us all the time like, how does it feel now you've made it? The question still puzzles me today like what have we really made? Music....memories.....sales milestones....awards, what really defines making it? If i was bluntly honest i don't think we've made it becuase i havn't arrived at my final destination i'm seeking. In fact i would go as far as saying once you've made it you no longer have passion to pursue it because it's finished. So in some strange way i hope i never "make it" because if i do i won't have anything left to achieve.
Don't get me wrong i can still remember the first time i saw our debut single nesian style on the charts. I got the biggest thrill of my life because i never thought stuff like that could ever happen for this bedroom m.c growing up in grey lynn attending a school that didn't even have a music class. Going from a dude that use to hijack shows and hustle just to get heard to being asked to perform was a big deal and yeah i felt kind of appreciated which was dope. I remember alot of people use to give me a hard time because doing music wasn't seen as cool at school it was try hard american etc and those same people i met later would go out of there way to come and talk to me.....seeing how people change at times depending on how they percieve you is trippy.
I also remember getting my first gold record, then platnium etc etc all that was exciting and the overseas touring was such a big thrill as well. But never at any point did i feel like i'd done all i came to do, it's like at every achievement i turn a new corner and see a new race i've got to win.
"Made it" is such a general kind of a statement and in this country made it normally is also followed by a large serving of "made it hate" which takes a bit of getting use to.
Any who....getting to what made me think about the issue, before i explain i don't mean to build you up with anticipation because it really ain't anything huge but....awa forwarded me an email from one of his mates talking about when you know you've made it and attached was a break down on a horse from southland which won four races straight (easily apparently) over a distance of 2400 metres and low in behold it was named after us "Nesian Mystic" and yes it was mispelled with a c instead of a K not the first or last time that's happened. It just cracks me up that somewhere in the world a creature was born and some person had the kahuna's or the humour to name it after us. Ok that was quite a build up to a rather nothing kind of a story but just in case you don't believe me click on link http://www.southlandharness.co.nz/
Is it happy or merry Waitangi or straight chur a holiday....any way were performing on channel one tomorrow for their waitangi special performing nesian 101 and then we're beginning the writing process for the fourth album down in Taurunga. We roll Taurunga for writing retreats, also late hours and phat tunes. The place where were wearing our old skol koro hat's in Mr mista is actually where we write the tunes.
Chur S out
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